Contest has ended
Total Raised $1,102.00

  • Photo can be of any animals - dog, cat, horse, goat, bird, wildlife.
  • Enter as many photos as you want for an $8 donation for each photo.
  • Contest starts on September 1st 2020 at 12:01AM EDT.
  • Contest ends on October 15th, 2020 at 12:01AM EDT.

To enter a photo you must register for an account, click signup and enter your information, click submit. Click member area or login and enter your login info. On your dashboard, click enter contest and follow instructions to enter.


  • Voting is by credit card via PayPal or by check.
    • If sending a check, you must register for an account. Once we receive your check we will manually enter votes paid for to your piggy bank and you can login and use them as you wish.
  • Send checks to: 112 E. Rutherford Street, Landrum, SC 29356
  • No limit on how often you can vote or enter.

To buy votes to use at a later time, signup fpr an account, login and on your dashboard click piggy bank, enter the number of votes you want to buy and click update votes, follow instructions and the votes will go into your piggy bank to use whenever you want.